Who we are
We are industry professionals at work night and day, creating media for the masses. We lead the world in sharing accurate, errorless information. We don’t back down from challenges; we embrace them. We are dedicated to creating media for our audience whether they be first time viewers or devoted fans. We are creatively changing the field into a better place for everyone. We are Thousand Foot Mile.
What we do
At Thousand Foot Mile, we create media that explores the deeper things in life. We aren’t afraid to tackle difficult topics or tough subjects. In the field of digital media, it is important to be transparent and show the whole truth. Here, we do. These are real stories. Real grit. Real journalism. These are the truths behind the scandals and crimes. This is a place where stories are compelling and quality is extraordinary.
How we can help
If you choose Thousand Foot Mile, your production will be in great hands. We will understand your project and collaborate to make it better. We will work with you, not for you. We don’t see you as a client, but as a partner. If you’re in need of the most skilled people in the industry, don’t hesitate to let us know.
Thousand Foot Mile Media Group 2025